Profil du membre |
Inscription | 03/05/2017 13:15 |
Dernière activité | 06/02/2018 11:38 |
Date de naissance | 04/05/2017 (7 ans) |
Sexe | Homme |
Signature | SirMadness Auteur plagiaire de l'Hymne du BBowl club des "Never Pushed" : You'll Never Block Alone. When you block through a storm, Hold you hands up high, And don't be afraid of the man in black. At the end of the game, There's a golden time, And the sweet silver song of Bugman. Block on through the wind, Block on through the rain, Though your team be tossed and blown… Block on, Block on, with Nuffle in your heart, And you'll never Block alone… You'll never Block alone. Block on, Block on, with Nuffle in your heart, And you'll never Block alone… You'll never Block alone... |